Monday, March 22, 2010


I have been assigned for weeks 10 and 12 to follow Dr. Scott McLeod's blog called "Dangerously Irrelevant."
Week 10
This week I watched a video posted by Dr. Scott Mcleod called "You Can't Be My Teacher." Here is what I commented:
"I watched the video "You Can't Be My Teacher" and I found it very entertaining. Teachers and students becoming teachers, like myself, should know how to use the Internet as well as be able to show children how to use the Internet properly and safely."
Overall, this video was really cute to watch. The questions that the little boy asked were "do you know how to use the internet?" and "are you going to teach me how to use the internet safely?" and other questions to the same effect. If a teacher does not know how to use the internet or how to teach the students how to use the internet safely then according to the little boy you could not be his teacher.

Week 12
This week I watched a video called "The School of One." It was about a school in New York that is catering towards the needs of the students. The proposed mission is to provide a way to achieve an individualized personalized instruction to the students so teachers can be more focused on the quality of teaching. Here is what I commented:
"I believe that this will be the future of schooling. I do know that some schools here in Alabama have already started implementing a simular version of this in the high schools. I think that it will work and it will be very successful."

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