Between these three blogs an amazing thing has happened! A dad decided that a great way to share his daughters childhoods with not only, family members but also, the whole family was to create a blog for each of them. While sharing with all of us everything that both Kaia and her sister have learned and are learning; a teacher, (Mr. C), found Kaia's blog and shared with his students the amazing photos that Kaia and her dad took outside of their home while learning that everything is beautiful, even the ugly stuff. The class ended up Skyping one another and Kaia's dad Jabiz, suggested that the class put their comments on a video or audio. This amazing teacher and his class put together a VoiceThread and sent it to them! This is such an amazing thing, people from two very different countries connected over the technology that is made available to all of us!
As a future teacher this example is very exciting to me! I hope that I will have an opportunity like this one to be able to connect with other people from around the world. Even though Jabiz did have some reservations, in which every parent should, I think that his decision not to keep Kaia to himself and share what a special girl she is is amazing. What he did shows how much the classroom environment has changed and will continue to change in the future.
Below are the comments that I left on each blog:
"Mr. C and class,
I am from Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. Thank you so much for sharing this Voicethread with not only Kaia, but also with all of us! You all did an amazing job! I am trying to create my own Voicethread and so far I am not having any luck with it. Keep Up the great work!"Kaia's Blog:
Sweet Girl Kaia, I am in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. You are an amazing, smart, beautiful girl! Your pictures that you took all by yourself were fantastic! Keep up the great job and be sure to tell your dad how great he is for helping you share you pictures with all of us.
Jabiz's Blog:
Jabiz, I am in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. I am not yet a parent, but hope to be one someday and I can see where you would question yourself on wether or not to "share" her on the internet. There are always going to dangers in everything you do with her. If you show her as she gets older how to be careful and I think that she will understand the dangers and how to steer clear of them. I commend you on being actively involved in you children's lives because so many parents today are not. She will treasure this time you and her have spent together and she will grow to appreciate everything you have done for her. Good Luck to all of you!
Hey Danielle, it is still amazing to see such young children learning about technology even if it's their parent. I do think that parent's should be more interactive with their child's education and technology like Kaia's father.